That means, "I don't speak German!"
I've got the definition down, now if I can only work on the pronounciation. I'm carrying a piece of paper just in case I get a face of confusion. Doubt I'll use it though as every time I go up to someone for info, they just start talking to me in English. While I welcome this, it definitely makes me wonder if I have that lost "american tourist" vibe. All the luggage and map in hand probably doesn't help. ja!
I've made it to Frankfurt and I'm checked into my hotel/hostel but have to wait until about 4p to get my room. It is currently 125p. This is the first time I get access to WiFi since I got on the road so just a quick update.
Not sure how extensive this blog will be ~ i'll just let it take whatever form it takes as I get through my travels and find time to update.
Thanks Andrew for the ride to the airport this morning - I'm I got to see you again! Keith, the blind fold and earplugs came in handy on that flight! Beth and Mattie, so much to thank you for ~ but right now, that plug thing is coming in most handy!
I'm going out to get some lunch and explore the city for now!
Auf Weidersehen!
Have fun sprechening zie deutch!:) Your blog is cute! Enjoy Europe friend :) Can't wait for all your updates.